4 "summary": "Mobile Augmented Text Recognition SDK",
5 "description": "The Anyline SDK is a great text recognition tool for your specific use case! Simply download our technology, define parameters which are important for the text you want to scan or import: font, character set, color, size and more. No advanced computer vision knowledge needed. Anyline can easily be integrated in your project.",
6 "homepage": "http://anyline.com",
9 "file": "AnylineSDK_iOS_15.1/LICENSE.md"
11 "swift_versions": "4.2",
12 "source_files": "AnylineSDK_iOS_15.1/Framework/AnylineDummySwift.swift",
14 "Daniel Albertini": "daniel@anyline.com"
20 "http": "https://anylinesdk.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/AnylineSDK_iOS_15.1.zip"
22 "documentation_url": "https://documentation.anyline.com",
23 "vendored_frameworks": "AnylineSDK_iOS_15.1/Framework/Anyline.framework",
24 "resources": "AnylineSDK_iOS_15.1/Framework/AnylineResources.bundle",
39 "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC \\\"$(PODS_ROOT)/Anyline/AnylineSDK_iOS_15.1/Framework/Anyline.framework/Anyline\\\""
41 "swift_version": "4.2"