2 "name": "MJNIndexView",
4 "summary": "MJNIndexView",
5 "description": " MJNIndexView is a highly customizable UIControl which displays an alternative index for UITableView.\n I wanted to mimic the index designed by Jeremy Olson's Tapity for their Languages app.\n I think their idea of implementing index is brilliant and it is one of the best examples of great UX.\n I hope more apps are going to use similar indices instead of the generic ones.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/matthewfx/MJNIndexView",
8 "https://github.com/matthewfx/MJNIndexView/blob/master/MJNIndexView01.png",
9 "https://github.com/matthewfx/MJNIndexView/blob/master/MJNIndexView02.png",
10 "https://github.com/matthewfx/MJNIndexView/blob/master/MJNIndexView03.png",
11 "https://github.com/matthewfx/MJNIndexView/blob/master/MJNIndexView04.png"
18 "Mateusz Nuckowski": "mat@appcowboys.com"
24 "git": "https://github.com/matthewfx/MJNIndexView.git",
25 "commit": "62ba8b3ce5c52d7d0048ecdfbb13e6b2155d38fc"
27 "source_files": "MJNIndexView.{h,m}",