2 "name": "JFSTableWithKeyboard",
4 "summary": "Plug and play class that deals with first responders and tableViews/collectionViews.",
5 "description": "Handled simply with autoLayout\nUse: Add this class as an object to your storyboard, and connect the appropriate outlets\nHandles:\n1) First Responders inside of table/collection cells: moves the table/collectionView so you can always see the field\n2) A first responder field underneath a table/collectionView, as in a chat app.\n3) iPad modal issues in landscape, when the Apple system moves the View Controller up outside of your control\n4) Adds/removes a tap gesture to dismiss the keyboard\n5) Issues with view controllers in a TabBarViewController.\nOptions:\n1) scrollBottomOnKeyboardEvent: will scroll the table/collectionView to the bottom when user taps on the first responder. For example, in a chat app.\n\n * Markdown format.\n * Don't worry about the indent, we strip it!\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/calioasis/JFSTableWithKeyboard",
9 "Jeff Sherin": "jeffrey.sherin@gmail.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/calioasis/JFSTableWithKeyboard.git",
19 "source_files": "Pod/Classes",
21 "JFSTableWithKeyboard": [