2 "name": "YLTCPBroadcaster",
8 "summary": "Fast and easy-to-use network scanner to locate every host with a given open port",
9 "description": " YLTCPBroadcaster is a small library written in Objective-C to find every host with\n a given TCP port number open on the network. It works like an UDP broadcast but for\n the TCP protocol.\n",
10 "homepage": "https://github.com/YannickL/YLTCPBroadcaster",
12 "Yannick Loriot": "http://yannickloriot.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/YannickL/YLTCPBroadcaster.git",
20 "YLTCPBroadcaster/*.{h,m}"
22 "frameworks": "Foundation",