[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 4 / d / 5 / NetworkingServiceKit / 1.1.1 / NetworkingServiceKit.podspec.json
2   "name": "NetworkingServiceKit",
3   "version": "1.1.1",
4   "summary": "A service layer of networking microservices for iOS.",
5   "description": "NetworkingServiceKit is the reincarnation of the standard iOS monolith api client. Using a modular approach to services, the framework enables the user to select which services they will need to have running. Also, NetworkingServiceKit takes a different approach when it comes to using Network Clients like AFNetworking/Alamofire. All requests are routed through a protocol, which makes the library loosely coupled from the networking implementation.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/makingspace/NetworkingServiceKit",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "darkzlave": "phillipe@makespace.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/makingspace/NetworkingServiceKit.git",
16     "tag": "1.1.1"
17   },
18   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/darkzlave",
19   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
20     "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS[config=Debug]": "-D DEBUG",
21     "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS[config=Staging]": "-D STAGING"
22   },
23   "platforms": {
24     "ios": "9.0"
25   },
26   "default_subspecs": "Core",
27   "pushed_with_swift_version": "4.0",
28   "subspecs": [
29     {
30       "name": "Core",
31       "source_files": "NetworkingServiceKit/Classes/**/*",
32       "dependencies": {
33         "Alamofire": [
35         ],
36         "SwiftyJSON": [
38         ]
39       }
40     },
41     {
42       "name": "ReactiveSwift",
43       "source_files": [
44         "NetworkingServiceKit/Classes/**/*",
45         "NetworkingServiceKit/ReactiveSwift/*"
46       ],
47       "dependencies": {
48         "Alamofire": [
50         ],
51         "AlamofireImage": [
53         ],
54         "CryptoSwift": [
56         ],
57         "SwiftyJSON": [
59         ],
60         "ReactiveSwift": [
62         ]
63       }
64     }
65   ]