[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / f / 3 / 8 / MJBusinessTIMService / 0.6.25 / MJBusinessTIMService.podspec.json
2   "name": "MJBusinessTIMService",
3   "version": "0.6.25",
4   "summary": "MJBusinessTIMService.",
5   "description": "TODO: Add long description of the pod here.",
6   "homepage": "",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "2585299617@qq.com": "2585299617@qq.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "",
16     "tag": "0.6.25"
17   },
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "8.0"
20   },
21   "xcconfig": {
22     "VALID_ARCHS": "armv7 arm64 x86_64"
23   },
24   "source_files": "MJBusinessTIMService/Classes/**/*.{h,m}",
25   "resource_bundles": {
26     "MJBusinessTIMService": [
27       "MJBusinessTIMService/Assets/*.xcassets",
28       "MJBusinessTIMService/Assets/*.plist",
29       "MJBusinessTIMService/Classes/**/*.xib"
30     ]
31   },
32   "vendored_frameworks": "MJBusinessTIMService/Classes/TIMFrameworks/*.framework",
33   "dependencies": {
34     "CTMediator": [
36     ],
37     "YYModel": [
39     ],
40     "Masonry": [
42     ],
43     "MJSDPhotoBrowser": [
45     ],
46     "MJRefresh": [
48     ],
49     "UITableView+FDTemplateLayoutCell": [
51     ],
52     "IQKeyboardManager": [
54     ],
55     "MJALiYunOSS": [
57     ],
58     "SDWebImage": [
60     ],
61     "MJColorKit": [
63     ],
64     "MJBUserInfoKit": [
66     ],
67     "MJFBaseCategory": [
69     ]
70   },
71   "libraries": "z"