[Delete] YLCategory-MacOS 1.1.5
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / a / 0 / 3 / CommonKit / 1.2.8 / CommonKit.podspec.json
2   "name": "CommonKit",
3   "version": "1.2.8",
4   "license": {
5     "type": "Free",
6     "text": "Free"
7   },
8   "summary": "A Swift framework with some common extensions and functions",
9   "description": "Various extensions and functions. Some are written by me, some are\ncollected online. And some are variations. This framework is supposed\nto give you a faster start with your project by combining some useful\nand often used code. Includes few UI classes extending UILabel as well\nsince extensions for UILabel could not provide this functionality.\n\n - Merged: LocaleKit support. LocaleKit allows a fixed App wide locale to be defined.\n - Merged: NumPad. NumPad for both iPhone and iPad, also with phone style keypad.\n - Merged: MathKit support. Math extensions are now merged to CommonKit.\n - Merged: DateKit support. Extension to Date and general helpers to handle dates in UTC timezone.\n - Merged: DispatchKit. Extensions to DispatchQueue and a simple but powerful backgrounding Task Manager support.",
10   "homepage": "https://github.com/oskarirauta/CommonKit",
11   "authors": {
12     "Oskari Rauta": "oskari.rauta@gmail.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/oskarirauta/CommonKit.git",
16     "tag": "1.2.8"
17   },
18   "screenshots": [
19     "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oskarirauta/CommonKit/master/Screenshots/Decimal.png",
20     "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oskarirauta/CommonKit/master/Screenshots/Phone.png",
21     "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oskarirauta/CommonKit/master/Screenshots/Landscape.png"
22   ],
23   "swift_version": "4.0",
24   "platforms": {
25     "ios": "11.0"
26   },
27   "source_files": [
28     "CommonKit/Dispatch/Protocols/*.swift",
29     "CommonKit/Dispatch/Extensions/*.swift",
30     "CommonKit/Dispatch/Classes/*.swift",
31     "CommonKit/Date/Types/*.swift",
32     "CommonKit/Date/Extensions/*.swift",
33     "CommonKit/Date/Classes/*.swift",
34     "CommonKit/Date/Functions/*.swift",
35     "CommonKit/Math/Extensions/*.swift",
36     "CommonKit/CommonKit/Extensions/*.swift",
37     "CommonKit/CommonKit/Types/*.swift",
38     "CommonKit/CommonKit/Classes/*.swift",
39     "CommonKit/CommonKit/Functions/*.swift",
40     "CommonKit/AppLocale/Protocols/*.swift",
41     "CommonKit/AppLocale/Types/*.swift",
42     "CommonKit/AppLocale/Extensions/*.swift",
43     "CommonKit/AppLocale/Functions/*.swift",
44     "CommonKit/NumPad/Types/*.swift",
45     "CommonKit/NumPad/Classes/*.swift"
46   ],
47   "resources": [
48     "CommonKit/NumPad/Resources/NumPad.xcassets"
49   ]