[Add] TIoTLinkVideo 2.4.35
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 6 / 7 / d / HyprMX / 5.3.0 / HyprMX.podspec.json
2   "name": "HyprMX",
3   "version": "5.3.0",
4   "cocoapods_version": ">= 1.4.0",
5   "summary": "The HyprMX Marketplace SDK.",
6   "description": "Integrate the HyprMX SDK to your app to deliver rewarded and interstitial advertisements.",
7   "homepage": "http://hyprmx.com",
8   "license": {
9     "type": "Commercial",
10     "text": "By using this software, you accept the terms of use at http://www.jungroup.com/tou.html"
11   },
12   "authors": {
13     "HyprMX": "info@hyprmx.com"
14   },
15   "source": {
16     "http": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/cocoapods-files/HyprMX/5.3.0/HyprMX_iOS_v5_3_0_b178_Static.zip"
17   },
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "8.0"
20   },
21   "default_subspecs": "HyprMX-SDK",
22   "static_framework": true,
23   "subspecs": [
24     {
25       "name": "HyprMX-SDK",
26       "dependencies": {
27         "HyprMX/Core": [
29         ],
30         "HyprMX/MRAID": [
32         ]
33       }
34     },
35     {
36       "name": "Core",
37       "ios": {
38         "vendored_frameworks": "HyprMX.framework"
39       },
40       "preserve_paths": "HyprMX.framework",
41       "public_header_files": "HyprMX.framework/**/*.h",
42       "source_files": "HyprMX.framework/**/*.h"
43     },
44     {
45       "name": "MRAID",
46       "dependencies": {
47         "HyprMX/Core": [
49         ]
50       },
51       "ios": {
52         "vendored_frameworks": "HYPRPermissions.framework"
53       },
54       "preserve_paths": "HYPRPermissions.framework"
55     }
56   ]