4 "summary": "UI elements that interact with the 'FeedMedia' pod to retrieve and play music",
5 "description": "*NOTE* - Version 3.0.0 of the FeedMedia pod replaces this pod and\ninvolves no SDK updates. Update your Podfile to use\nFeedMedia rather than FeedMediaUI, and make sure your #includes\nare for <FeedMedia/*> rather than <FeedMediaUI/*>.\n\nOriginal description follows:\n\nThis is a collection of UI elements that build on top of the 'FeedMedia' cocoapod that\naccesses the Feed.fm music service. Sample elements include: play/pause, skip, and like/dislike\nbuttons that update themselves automatically; UILabels that marquee and display the active\nsong; and others.\n\nThis pod includes an example app that can be used with 'pod try FeedMediaUI'\n\nClass documentation is available at http://demo.feed.fm/sdk/docs/ios/ui\n\nFor a more full featured demo app, look at https://github.com/feedfm/iOS-RadioPlayer\n\nIf you are using this in a Swift project, use the 'FeedMediaUI/Swift' subspec and\nmake sure your Podfile has 'use_frameworks!' declared.",
6 "homepage": "https://feed.fm/",
9 "Eric Lambrecht": "eric@feed.fm",
10 "Feed Media": "support@feed.fm"
13 "git": "https://github.com/feedfm/iOS-UI-SDK.git",
16 "documentation_url": "http://demo.feed.fm/sdk/docs/ios/ui/",
18 "source_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*",
36 "deprecated_in_favor_of": "FeedMedia"