2 "name": "VBAutolayout",
4 "summary": "VBAutolayout is a library which makes programmatic autolayout creation comfortable, readable and code-minimized.",
5 "description": "There are developers (like me) who prefer to create UI programmatically due to numerous reasons. I use storyboards for segues and user scene-path. But UIViewControllers are left empty. And I do not use xibs.\n\nWhen you create adaptive UI programmatically the view (or viewcontroller) code becomes unreadable because of big autolayout creation calls.\n\nVBAutolayout is a library which makes programmatic autolayout creation comfortable, readable and code-minimized.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/valnoc/VBAutolayout",
9 "Valeriy Bezuglyy": "valnocorner@gmail.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/valnoc/VBAutolayout.git",
19 "source_files": "VBAutolayout/**/*"