2 "name": "MORichNotification",
4 "summary": "MORichNotification is part of the MoEngage SDK which handles Notification Service Extensions from iOS10.",
5 "description": "MoEngage is a mobile marketing automation company. MORichNotification helps you to handle Notification Service Extensions provided by Apple from iOS10. It download's the attachment for the notification and adds it to Notification content.",
6 "homepage": "http://www.moengage.com",
12 "Chengappa": "chengappa@moengage.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/moengage/MORichNotification.git",
21 "source_files": "MORichNotification/*.h",
22 "documentation_url": "http://docs.moengage.com",
24 "preserve_paths": "MORichNotification/libMORichNotification.a",
26 "vendored_libraries": "MORichNotification/libMORichNotification.a"
28 "frameworks": "UserNotifications",
29 "compiler_flags": "-ObjC",
30 "header_mappings_dir": "MORichNotification"