4 "summary": "Know your users best re-engagement time",
5 "description": "Skyfunnel predicts the best time to re-engage users, by analyzing their footprints inside the App Store applications. Its machine intelligence monitors mobile behavior of each unique user, and determines the best re-engagement time. It is incredibly lightweight, and can be added to an application with a single line of code.",
6 "homepage": "https://www.skyfunnel.co",
9 "text": "See https://www.skyfunnel.co/index.php/terms"
12 "SkyFunnel": "support@skyfunnel.co"
14 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/skyfunnelco",
19 "git": "https://github.com/SkyFunnel/Optimal-SkyFunnel-iOS-SDK",
32 "preserve_paths": "Astrid.framework",
33 "documentation_url": "https://www.skyfunnel.co/index.php/documentation",
35 "vendored_frameworks": "Frameworks/Astrid.framework"
37 "vendored_frameworks": "Astrid.framework",
39 "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-all_load -ObjC"