4 "summary": "Reactant is a reactive architecture for iOS",
5 "description": "Reactant is a foundation for rapid and safe iOS development. It allows you to cut down your development costs by improving reusability, testability and safety of your code, especially your UI.",
6 "homepage": "https://www.reactant.tech",
9 "Tadeas Kriz": "tadeas@brightify.org",
10 "Matous Hybl": "matous@brightify.org",
11 "Filip Dolnik": "filip@brightify.org",
12 "Matyas Kriz": "matyas@brightify.org"
15 "git": "https://github.com/Brightify/Reactant.git",
18 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/BrightifyOrg",
28 "swift_versions": "5.1",
32 "frameworks": "UIKit",
34 "Reactant/Configuration": [
51 "Source/Core/**/*.swift",
52 "Source/Utils/**/*.swift"
56 "name": "Configuration",
57 "frameworks": "UIKit",
58 "source_files": "Source/Configuration/**/*.swift"
70 "source_files": "Source/Result/**/*.swift"
74 "source_files": "Source/Validation/**/*.swift"
78 "frameworks": "UIKit",
91 "Source/TableView/**/*.swift",
92 "Source/CollectionView/CollectionViewState.swift"
96 "name": "CollectionView",
97 "frameworks": "UIKit",
109 "source_files": "Source/CollectionView/**/*.swift"
112 "name": "ActivityIndicator",
113 "frameworks": "UIKit",
119 "source_files": "Source/ActivityIndicator/**/*.swift"
138 "source_files": "Source/StaticMap/**/*.swift"
141 "name": "FallbackSafeAreaInsets",
151 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
161 "Reactant/Configuration": [
167 "Reactant/Validation": [
170 "Reactant/TableView": [
173 "Reactant/CollectionView": [
176 "Reactant/StaticMap": [
179 "Reactant/ActivityIndicator": [
190 "Reactant/Configuration": [
196 "Reactant/Validation": [
199 "Reactant/TableView": [
202 "Reactant/CollectionView": [
205 "Reactant/StaticMap": [
208 "Reactant/ActivityIndicator": [
214 "swift_version": "5.1"