2 "name": "CHRealHideUIView",
4 "summary": "CHRealHideUIView hide view not only make view invisible but also eliminate hidden view's blank.",
5 "description": "When hidding the view, we expect the hidden view will not leave blank space.\nFor example there are two views => :dog::smile::cat:, hide :smile: should be :dog::cat:␣ , however in iOS will be :dog:␣:cat:.\nEven view don't draw, auto layout will retain their frame.\nCHRealHideUIView help you hide views and will not leave blank space.",
6 "homepage": "https://blog.capslock.tw/",
7 "screenshots": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Calvin-Huang/CHRealHideUIView/master/assets/CHRealHideUIView.gif",
10 "Calvin": "calvin.peak@capslock.tw"
16 "git": "https://github.com/Calvin-Huang/CHRealHideUIView.git",
20 "CHRealHideUIView/Extensions/UIView+AdditionDataExtension.swift",
21 "CHRealHideUIView/Extensions/UIViewController+RealHideViewExtension.swift"