2 "name": "CSProgressWatcher",
4 "summary": "An alternative to KVO for dealing with `Progress` objects in Swift 3",
5 "description": "A Swift 3 Wrapper around `Progress` for those who want to avoid KVO. CSProgressWatcher\nstrips the necessety of writing repetivive, stringly typed, KVO code and dagerous observer\nmanagement. I hope you will find it usefull. Feature requests and bug reports are welcomed!",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/CaioSym/CSProgressWatcher",
12 "Caio Sym": "caiosym@gmail.com"
21 "git": "https://github.com/CaioSym/CSProgressWatcher.git",
24 "source_files": "CSProgressWatcher/Sources/*.swift",
25 "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"