2 "name": "AirTurnInterface-old-fw",
3 "version": "4.0.0-b.5",
4 "summary": "AirTurnInterface is a framework enabling you to easily add support for AirTurn products to your App",
5 "description": "AirTurnInterface is a framework enabling you to easily add support for AirTurn products to your App, including support for keyboard type AirTurns with virtual keyboard management, and direct connection to newer AirTurns with AirDirect.\n\nThis version uses the old framework structure due to bugs in Cocoapods.",
10 "homepage": "https://airturn.com/framework",
12 "Nick Brook": "nick@airturn.com"
17 "frameworks": "CoreBluetooth",
19 "http": "https://airturn.com/framework/AirTurnInterface.4.0.0-b.5.zip"
21 "default_subspecs": "Dynamic",
25 "vendored_frameworks": "Framework-dynamic/AirTurnInterface.framework"
29 "vendored_frameworks": "Framework-static/AirTurnInterface.framework"