[Add] AWSTranscribeStreaming 2.38.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 9 / f / 0 / MKBeaconXCustomUI / 0.0.1 / MKBeaconXCustomUI.podspec.json
2   "name": "MKBeaconXCustomUI",
3   "version": "0.0.1",
4   "summary": "BXP系列app的组件库",
5   "description": "TODO: Add long description of the pod here.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/MOKO-iOS-Base-Library/MKBeaconXCustomUI",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "aadyx2007@163.com": "aadyx2007@163.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/MOKO-iOS-Base-Library/MKBeaconXCustomUI.git",
16     "tag": "0.0.1"
17   },
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "12.0"
20   },
21   "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/**/*",
22   "resource_bundles": {
23     "MKBeaconXCustomUI": [
24       "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Assets/*.png"
25     ]
26   },
27   "dependencies": {
28     "MKBaseModuleLibrary": [
30     ],
31     "MKCustomUIModule": [
33     ],
34     "MLInputDodger": [
36     ]
37   },
38   "subspecs": [
39     {
40       "name": "Defines",
41       "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/Defines/**"
42     },
43     {
44       "name": "SlotAdopter",
45       "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotAdopter/**",
46       "dependencies": {
47         "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Defines": [
49         ]
50       }
51     },
52     {
53       "name": "ScanUI",
54       "subspecs": [
55         {
56           "name": "Adopter",
57           "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/Adopter/**",
58           "dependencies": {
59             "MKBeaconXCustomUI/ScanUI/ScanCell": [
61             ]
62           }
63         },
64         {
65           "name": "ScanCell",
66           "subspecs": [
67             {
68               "name": "ScanBeaconCell",
69               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/ScanCell/ScanBeaconCell/**"
70             },
71             {
72               "name": "ScanHTCell",
73               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/ScanCell/ScanHTCell/**"
74             },
75             {
76               "name": "ScanThreeASensorCell",
77               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/ScanCell/ScanThreeASensorCell/**"
78             },
79             {
80               "name": "ScanTLMCell",
81               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/ScanCell/ScanTLMCell/**"
82             },
83             {
84               "name": "ScanUIDCell",
85               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/ScanCell/ScanUIDCell/**"
86             },
87             {
88               "name": "ScanURLCell",
89               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/ScanCell/ScanURLCell/**"
90             }
91           ]
92         },
93         {
94           "name": "ScanFilterView",
95           "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/ScanFilterView/**"
96         },
97         {
98           "name": "ScanSearchButton",
99           "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/ScanUI/ScanSearchButton/**"
100         }
101       ]
102     },
103     {
104       "name": "SlotConfig",
105       "subspecs": [
106         {
107           "name": "Protocol",
108           "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotConfig/Protocol/**"
109         },
110         {
111           "name": "FrameTypePickView",
112           "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotConfig/FrameTypePickView/**",
113           "dependencies": {
114             "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Defines": [
116             ]
117           }
118         },
119         {
120           "name": "SlotConfigCell",
121           "dependencies": {
122             "MKBeaconXCustomUI/SlotAdopter": [
124             ],
125             "MKBeaconXCustomUI/SlotConfig/Protocol": [
127             ]
128           },
129           "subspecs": [
130             {
131               "name": "BeaconCell",
132               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotConfig/SlotConfigCell/BeaconCell/**"
133             },
134             {
135               "name": "DeviceInfoCell",
136               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotConfig/SlotConfigCell/DeviceInfoCell/**"
137             },
138             {
139               "name": "UIDCell",
140               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotConfig/SlotConfigCell/UIDCell/**"
141             },
142             {
143               "name": "URLCell",
144               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotConfig/SlotConfigCell/URLCell/**"
145             }
146           ]
147         },
148         {
149           "name": "TriggerCell",
150           "subspecs": [
151             {
152               "name": "TriggerView",
153               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotConfig/TriggerCell/TriggerView/**"
154             },
155             {
156               "name": "Cell",
157               "source_files": "MKBeaconXCustomUI/Classes/SlotConfig/TriggerCell/Cell/**",
158               "dependencies": {
159                 "MKBeaconXCustomUI/SlotConfig/Protocol": [
161                 ],
162                 "MKBeaconXCustomUI/SlotConfig/TriggerCell/TriggerView": [
164                 ]
165               }
166             }
167           ]
168         }
169       ]
170     }
171   ]