[Add] ThinkingDataCore 1.0.2
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 4 / e / 1 / YandexMobileMetrica / 2.7.0 / YandexMobileMetrica.podspec.json
2   "name": "YandexMobileMetrica",
3   "version": "2.7.0",
4   "summary": "This library is designed to be a part of mobile apps and provide app usage stats to Yandex AppMetrica",
5   "homepage": "http://appmetrica.yandex.com/",
6   "license": {
7     "type": "PROPRIETARY",
8     "file": "LICENSE.txt"
9   },
10   "authors": {
11     "Yandex LLC": "appmetrica@yandex-team.com"
12   },
13   "source": {
14     "http": "https://storage.mds.yandex.net/get-appmetrica-mobile-sdk/48248/YandexMobileMetrica-2.7.0-ios-7058b11a-d987-4519-8c64-028c75b67eab.zip",
15     "sha1": "cd9fbc13de8332d859dfb562fd4fa1cfc62e3b97"
16   },
17   "libraries": [
18     "c++",
19     "z",
20     "sqlite3"
21   ],
22   "frameworks": [
23     "SystemConfiguration",
24     "UIKit",
25     "Foundation",
26     "CoreTelephony",
27     "CoreLocation",
28     "CoreGraphics",
29     "AdSupport"
30   ],
31   "weak_frameworks": "SafariServices",
32   "requires_arc": true,
33   "default_subspecs": "Static",
34   "platforms": {
35     "ios": "6.0"
36   },
37   "subspecs": [
38     {
39       "name": "Static",
40       "platforms": {
41         "ios": "6.0"
42       },
43       "preserve_paths": "static/YandexMobileMetrica.framework",
44       "source_files": "static/YandexMobileMetrica.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.h",
45       "public_header_files": "static/YandexMobileMetrica.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.h",
46       "vendored_frameworks": "static/YandexMobileMetrica.framework"
47     },
48     {
49       "name": "Dynamic",
50       "platforms": {
51         "ios": "8.0"
52       },
53       "preserve_paths": "dynamic/YandexMobileMetrica.framework",
54       "source_files": "dynamic/YandexMobileMetrica.framework/Headers/*.h",
55       "public_header_files": "dynamic/YandexMobileMetrica.framework/Headers/*.h",
56       "vendored_frameworks": "dynamic/YandexMobileMetrica.framework"
57     }
58   ]