[Add] ThinkingDataCore 1.0.2
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 5 / 1 / 7 / InAppChat / 1.0.1 / InAppChat.podspec.json
2   "name": "InAppChat",
3   "platforms": {
4     "ios": "15.0"
5   },
6   "version": "1.0.1",
7   "source": {
8     "git": "https://github.com/RipBullNetworks/inappchat-ios.git",
9     "tag": "1.0.1"
10   },
11   "authors": "Zaid Daghestani",
12   "summary": "Quickly and easily integrate fully featured chat into your iOS application",
13   "description": "In App Chat iOS SDK.\nQuickly and easily integrated fully featured chat into your iOS applications.",
14   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/inappchat",
15   "license": {
16     "type": "MIT",
17     "file": "LICENSE"
18   },
19   "homepage": "https://inappchat.io",
20   "documentation_url": "https://inappchat.io/docs/chatsdk/ios",
21   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
22     "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER": "io.inappchat.sdk"
23   },
24   "swift_versions": "5.0",
25   "dependencies": {
26     "AnyCodable-FlightSchool": [
28     ],
29     "SwiftDate": [
31     ],
32     "DynamicColor": [
34     ],
35     "Nuke": [
37     ],
38     "NukeUI": [
40     ],
41     "ActivityIndicatorView": [
43     ],
44     "Fakery": [
46     ],
47     "SwiftyJSON": [
49     ],
50     "Introspect": [
52     ],
53     "Alamofire": [
55     ],
56     "Giphy": [
58     ],
59     "RollbarNotifier": [
61     ],
62     "RollbarPLCrashReporter": [
64     ],
65     "CocoaMQTT": [
67     ],
68     "Auth0": [
70     ],
71     "Gifu": [
73     ]
74   },
75   "swift_version": "5.0"