4 "summary": "Objective-C Wrapper for Prism using JavaScriptCore",
5 "description": " Prism is a “lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting library” that\n renders code snippets into syntax highlighted HTML. It is created by Lea\n Verou, written in JavaScript, and is based on regular expression.\n\n This library/framework uses JavaScriptCore to perform so-called “server-\n side rendering” with Prism. It supports most modern OS X versions (I’m not \n very sure how far back this goes, but at least 10.7+ should be fine) and \n iOS 7 or later.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/uranusjr/Prism-objc",
9 "Tzu-ping Chung": "uranusjr@gmail.com"
11 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/uranusjr",
17 "git": "https://github.com/uranusjr/Prism-objc.git",
21 "source_files": "Prism/Prism/*.{h,m}",
22 "public_header_files": "Prism/Prism/*.h",
25 "Prism/Dependency/prism/components.js",
26 "Prism/Dependency/prism/components",
27 "Prism/Dependency/prism/themes"
30 "frameworks": "JavaScriptCore",