2 "name": "IBMWatsonTextToSpeechV1",
4 "summary": "Client framework for the IBM Watson Text to Speech service",
5 "description": "IBM® Text to Speech uses IBM's speech-synthesis capabilities to convert written text to natural-sounding speech. \nThe service streams the results back to the client with minimal delay.",
6 "homepage": "https://www.ibm.com/watson/services/text-to-speech/",
8 "type": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
12 "Anthony Oliveri": "oliveri@us.ibm.com",
13 "Mike Kistler": "mkistler@us.ibm.com"
15 "module_name": "TextToSpeech",
20 "git": "https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/swift-sdk.git",
24 "Source/TextToSpeechV1/**/*.swift",
25 "Source/SupportingFiles/Dependencies/Source/**/*"
27 "exclude_files": "**/config_types.h",
33 "vendored_libraries": "Source/SupportingFiles/Dependencies/Libraries/*.a",
34 "prepare_command": "cd Source/SupportingFiles/Dependencies/Libraries\nmv libogg.a libogg_tts.a\nmv libopus.a libopus_tts.a\ncd ../Source\nmv ogg/* .\nmv opus/* .\nrm -rf ogg\nrm -rf opus"