4 "summary": "Cxense Advertising allows taking advantage of targeting technology that is designed to deliver ads to the people who want to see them.",
5 "description": "* Cxense Advertising is designed to facilitate collaboration between advertising networks, extending the reach of a single advertiser and allowing for more specific targeting of the user audience. This enables advertisers to achieve greater click-through and conversion rates.\n\n* Cxense Advertising Enables Audience Targeting using Keywords, Categories, Geography, time of day and Days of week, Site Targeting, Device Targeting.\n\n* Provides Brokers the ability to generate custom Advertising Products - tailored to met your Advertisers needs and Publishing capabilities: dimension, format, pricing, charges, targeting options, Ad ranking and much more.\n\n* Provides the ability to manage revenue shares by designing effective bid models.\n\n* Allows brokers to provide backfill for unsold spaces.\n\n* Supports all players in the advertising industry: self-advertisers and publishers, advertising agencies and advertising network business owners.",
6 "homepage": "https://www.cxense.com",
9 "text": " Copyright (c) 2016 Cxense, Inc. All rights reserved.\n"
12 "Anver Bogatov": "anver.bogatov@cxense.com"
18 "http": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sdk.cxense.com/CxenseAdSDK_iOS_3.0.12.zip",
21 "source_files": "CxenseAdSDK/**/*.h",
22 "preserve_paths": "CxenseAdSDK/**/libCxenseAdSDK.a",
24 "vendored_libraries": "CxenseAdSDK/**/libCxenseAdSDK.a"
26 "resources": "CxenseAdSDK/**/*.bundle",