4 "summary": "A subclass of UIButton to create Checkbox kind of button from storyboard.",
5 "description": "It's a custom control to quickly setup checkbox kind of button from\nstoryboard by just providing MAGCustomButton as Class and as it's a subclass\nof UIButton you can use all the feature of UIButton. To toggle it's state\nchange the value of 'selected' property of UIButton.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/AgarwalMilan/MAGCheckbox",
12 "Milan Agarwal": "agarwal.milan.apps@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/AgarwalMilan/MAGCheckbox.git",
22 "MAGCheckbox/Classes",
23 "MAGCheckbox/Classes/**/*.{h,m}"
25 "exclude_files": "MAGCheckbox/Classes/Exclude",
28 "MAGCheckbox/Assets/*.png"