[Add] OdeeoSDK 3.4.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 2 / 8 / b / GTheShy / 0.0.5 / GTheShy.podspec.json
2   "name": "GTheShy",
3   "version": "0.0.5",
4   "summary": "GTheShy SDK",
5   "description": "\"0.0.1 can be used now\"\n\"0.0.2 can be used now\"\n\"0.0.3 can be used now\"\n\"0.0.4 can be used now\"\n\"0.0.5 can be used now\"",
6   "homepage": "http://gitlab.xingmentech.com/JDuke/gtheshy",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "JDuke": "1007521788@qq.com"
13   },
14   "platforms": {
15     "ios": "9.0"
16   },
17   "source": {
18     "git": "http://gitlab.xingmentech.com/JDuke/gtheshy.git",
19     "tag": "0.0.5"
20   },
21   "exclude_files": [
22     "GTheShy.podspec",
23     "LICENSE",
24     "README.md"
25   ],
26   "vendored_frameworks": [
27     "GTheShy.framework",
28     "Muse.framework",
29     "LinkDeep.framework",
30     "Tortoise.framework"
31   ],
32   "resources": "GTResource.bundle",
33   "frameworks": [
34     "Foundation",
35     "UIKit",
36     "MediaPlayer",
37     "JavaScriptCore",
38     "OpenAL",
39     "AdSupport",
40     "AudioToolbox",
41     "AVFoundation",
42     "CoreGraphics",
43     "CoreText",
44     "OpenGLES",
45     "SystemConfiguration"
46   ],
47   "libraries": [
48     "iconv",
49     "icucore",
50     "c++",
51     "resolv",
52     "sqlite3",
53     "z"
54   ],
55   "requires_arc": true,
56   "dependencies": {
57     "AFNetworking": [
59     ],
60     "ReactiveObjC": [
62     ],
63     "Bugly": [
65     ],
66     "UMCCommon": [
68     ],
69     "UMCSecurityPlugins": [
71     ],
72     "UMCAnalytics": [
74     ],
75     "UMCPush": [
77     ],
78     "UMCShare/Social/ReducedWeChat": [
80     ],
81     "UMCShare/Social/ReducedQQ": [
83     ],
84     "UMCShare/Social/ReducedSina": [
86     ],
87     "JPush": [
89     ]
90   }