4 "summary": "Word of Mouth as a Service.",
5 "description": "WE HELP APPS GROW\n\nToday's mobile users expect more from the apps they use -- and rightfully so.\n\nWombat is the friendly, smart, and simple engagement platform to help you meet & exceed their expectations.\n\nOur mission is to create mutually beneficial relationships between the people who own mobile apps and the people who use them, while keeping it super simple for everyone.",
7 "http": "https://getwombatprod.s3.amazonaws.com/releases/WombatFramework_0.2.2_1.zip"
9 "homepage": "http://www.getwombat.com",
10 "license": "Copyright 2016 Wombat Ltd.",
12 "Wombat": "liron@getwombat.com"
14 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/getwombat",
19 "vendored_frameworks": "Wombat.framework"
26 "preserve_paths": "strip_architectures_build_phase.sh",
58 "UIColor-HexString": [
61 "UIDevice-Hardware": [