2 "name": "JCBodymarkerCamera",
4 "summary": "JCBodymarkerCamera is a special camera for body measurement.",
5 "description": "JCBodymarkerCamera is a special camera for body measurement. It is built with Apple's AVFoundation framework. The camera main view has a bodymarker for you to pose your body and it has a camera vertical level indicator for you to correct your device vertical angle.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/JasonHan1990/JCBodymarkerCamera",
12 "JasonHan1990": "namrie1990@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/JasonHan1990/JCBodymarkerCamera.git",
21 "source_files": "JCBodymarkerCamera/Classes/**/*",
23 "JCBodymarkerCamera": [
24 "JCBodymarkerCamera/Assets/Images.xcassets"