2 "name": "ALCoreDataManager",
4 "summary": "Fast and easy way to get NSManagedObjectContext",
5 "description": " Singleton class for getting NSManagedObjectContext in single Model apps fast and easy.\n * Access the default context with [ALCoreDataManager defaultContext].\n * Query your model with [[[Item all] where:predicate] execute].\n * Order, aggregate and group.\n * Concurrency with core data (thread safety guarantied).\n * Create objects simply with [Item create] or [Item createWithDictionary:@{@\"title\" : @\"ABC\"}].\n * ActiveRecord style queries ([Item findAll]) - Comming Soon!\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/appleios/ALCoreDataManager",
9 "Aziz U. Latypov": "vm06lau@mail.ru"
12 "git": "https://github.com/appleios/ALCoreDataManager.git",
19 "source_files": "Pod/Classes",