[Add] DocumentReaderFullRFIDStage 7.5.10860
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 8 / 3 / b / SMART / 2.8.2 / SMART.podspec.json
2   "name": "SMART",
3   "version": "2.8.2",
4   "summary": "Swift SMART on FHIR framework for iOS and OS X",
5   "description": "Swift SMART on FHIR framework for iOS and OS X.\n\nSwift-SMART is a full client implementation of the ðŸ”¥FHIR specification for building apps that\ninteract with healthcare data through [**SMART on FHIR**](http://docs.smarthealthit.org).\n\nStart with `import SMART` in your source files. Code documentation is available from within\nXcode (ALT + click on symbols) and on [smart-on-fhir.github.io/Swift-SMART/](http://smart-on-fhir.github.io/Swift-SMART/).",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/Swift-SMART",
7   "documentation_url": "http://docs.smarthealthit.org/Swift-SMART/",
8   "license": "Apache 2",
9   "authors": {
10     "Pascal Pfiffner": "phase.of.matter@gmail.com"
11   },
12   "source": {
13     "git": "https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/Swift-SMART.git",
14     "tag": "2.8.2",
15     "submodules": true
16   },
17   "platforms": {
18     "ios": "8.0",
19     "osx": "10.9"
20   },
21   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
23   },
24   "source_files": [
25     "Sources/Client/*.swift",
26     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Models/*.swift",
27     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/DomainResource+Containment.swift",
28     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/Element+Extensions.swift",
29     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/FHIROpenServer.swift",
30     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/FHIROperation.swift",
31     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/FHIRSearch.swift",
32     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/FHIRServer*.swift",
33     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/Reference+Resolving.swift",
34     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/Resource+Instantiation.swift",
35     "Swift-FHIR/Sources/Client/Resource+REST.swift",
36     "OAuth2/SwiftKeychain/Keychain/Keychain.swift",
37     "OAuth2/Sources/Base/*.swift",
38     "OAuth2/Sources/Flows/*.swift"
39   ],
40   "ios": {
41     "source_files": [
42       "Sources/iOS/*.swift",
43       "OAuth2/Sources/iOS/*.swift"
44     ]
45   },
46   "osx": {
47     "source_files": [
48       "Sources/OSX/*.swift",
49       "OAuth2/Sources/macOS/*.swift"
50     ]
51   },
52   "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"