2 "name": "SessionTools",
4 "summary": "Provides a simple way to make \"session\" objects for storing, deleting, and refreshing data.",
5 "description": "Provides a simple way to create \"session\" objects for use in your own session manager setup. It can store, delete, and refresh any info you want. You can also broadcast notifications when your info changes.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools",
12 "Bottle Rocket Studios": "earl.gaspard@bottlerocketstudios.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/bottlerocketstudios/iOS-SessionTools.git",
18 "default_subspecs": "KeychainStorage",
19 "swift_version": "5.0",
26 "frameworks": "Foundation",
28 "Sources/SessionTools/Base/*",
29 "Sources/SessionTools/KeychainStorage/*"
34 "source_files": "Sources/SessionTools/Base/*"
37 "name": "KeychainStorage",