4 "summary": "The Intercom iOS SDK, for integrating Intercom into your iOS application.",
5 "description": " The Intercom iOS SDK currently supports iOS 7.X and iOS 8. For iOS6 support you should check version 1.9 of the SDK. \n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/intercom/intercom-ios",
8 "type": "Apache license",
12 "Adam McCarthy": "adam@intercom.io",
13 "Gavin Rooney": "gavin@intercom.io",
14 "Dale Cantwell": "dale@intercom.io",
15 "Ignacio Delgado": "ignacio@intercom.io",
16 "Roland Gropmair": "roland@intercom.io",
17 "James Treanor": "james@intercom.io"
20 "git": "https://github.com/intercom/intercom-ios.git",
26 "source_files": "Intercom/Intercom.h",
27 "preserve_paths": "Intercom/libIntercom.a",
35 "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-force_load \"$(PODS_ROOT)/Intercom/Intercom/libIntercom.a\"",
36 "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(PODS_ROOT)/Intercom/Intercom"