2 "name": "XTSafeCollection",
4 "summary": "An elegant solution to common crashes of NSArray, NSMutableArray and NSMutableDictionary.",
5 "description": "In Cocoa development, we often meet crashes like the follow:\n1. `[NSArray objectAtIndex:]` when index exceeds array bounds.\n2. `[NSMutableArray addObject]` when we attempt to add an nil Object.\n...\n\nXTSafeCollection provide a way to avoid these crashes. Just add the `XTSafeCollection.h`, `XTSafeCollection.m` to you project,\nYou event don't need to modify you codes, call the methods as what they are.\n\nMore: https://github.com/wuwen1030/XTSafeCollection.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/wuwen1030/XTSafeCollection",
11 "wuwen": "wuwen.xb@alibaba-inc.com"
17 "git": "https://github.com/wuwen1030/XTSafeCollection.git",
20 "source_files": "XTSafeCollection/XTSafeCollection/*.{h,m}",