4 "summary": "The snabble iOS SDK",
5 "description": "snabble - the self-scanning and checkout platform\nThe SDK provides scanning, checkout and payment services and UI components based on the snabble SaaS platform.",
6 "homepage": "https://snabble.io/",
12 "snabble GmbH": "info@snabble.io"
15 "git": "https://github.com/snabble/iOS-SDK.git",
18 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/snabble_io",
27 "swift_version": "5.0",
31 "source_files": "Snabble/Core/**/*.swift",
49 "source_files": "Snabble/UI/**/*.swift",
58 "Snabble/UI/*.lproj/*.strings",
59 "Snabble/UI/**/*.xib",
65 "script": " if [ \"$TESTING\" -ne \"1\" ]; then\n if which twine >/dev/null; then\n cd $PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT\n TWINE=i18n/Snabble.twine\n if [ -r \"$TWINE\" ]; then\n echo \"Creating strings file\"\n twine generate-localization-file $TWINE --lang en --format apple Snabble/UI/en.lproj/SnabbleLocalizable.strings\n fi\n fi\n fi\n"