4 "summary": "iOS 11 style NavigationBar, combination with VerticalStack-ScrollView",
5 "description": "FlameKit is collection of simple custom UIs. For version 0.1.0, it offers FlameNavigationBar, FlameScrollView & FlameButton. \n\nFlameNavigationBar is UIView-based customizable NavigationBar. FlameNavigationBar supports iOS 11 style LargeTitle and collapsing. It's compatible with scrollview. (FlameNavigationBar will be a delegate of scrollView... It will be fixed in future update.)\n\nFlameScrollView is subclass of UIScrollView which has UIStackView(vertical) as a built-in subview. It's seats somewhere between UIScrollView and UITableView. If you want to add vertical stack simply call addArrangedSubview(_:animated:horizontalInset:height:) to the instance of FlameScrollView. FlameScrollView also automatically listen to the keyboard show/hide notification.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/draupnir45/FlameKit",
12 "Jongchan Park": "draupnir45@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/draupnir45/FlameKit.git",
21 "source_files": "FlameKit/**/*",
22 "frameworks": "UIKit",
23 "pushed_with_swift_version": "echo \"4.0\" > .swift-version"