4 "summary": "Provides an api for integrating with a Go device for taking card payments via Swipe, EMV dip, NFC Contactless",
5 "description": "The Go Connector SDK currently supports the following payment transactions:\n*Sale* - A transaction used to authorize and capture the payment amount in at the same time. A Sale transaction is final and the amount cannot be adjusted. \n*Auth* - A transaction that can be tip-adjusted until it is finalized during a batch closeout. This is a standard model for a restaurant that adjusts the amount to include a tip after a card is charged. \n*Void* - A transaction that cancels or fully reverses a payment transaction. \n*Refund* - A transaction that credits funds to the account holder. \n*PreAuth* - A pre-authorization for a certain amount. \n*PreAuth Capture* - A Pre-Auth that has been finalized in order to complete a payment (i.e., a bar tab that has been closed out). \n*Partial Auth* - A partial authorization. The payment gateway may return a partial authorization if the transaction amount exceeds the customer’s credit or debit card limit. \n*Tip Adjust* - A transaction in which a merchant takes or edits a tip after the customer’s card has been processed (i.e., after the initial Auth transaction).",
6 "homepage": "https://www.clover.com/get-paid/go",
12 "Clover Go": "clovergodev@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/clover/remote-pay-ios-go.git",
18 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
19 "SWIFT_VERSION": "5.0",
20 "VALID_ARCHS": "arm64 armv7 x86_64"
25 "swift_versions": "5.0",
26 "source_files": "CloverConnector/Classes/**/*.swift",
30 "frameworks": "Foundation",
45 "swift_version": "5.0"