2 "name": "StreambirdDeviceSense",
4 "homepage": "https://streambird.io",
7 "text": " © 2022 Streambird, Inc.\n\n Full Terms of service available at https://streambird.io/terms\n"
9 "summary": "Streambird Device Sense library for iOS",
11 "streambird": "dev@streambird.io"
13 "description": "The purpose of the Streambird Device Sense SDK is to gather device signals in order to distinctively identify iOS devices for fraud detection. \nThis SDK is part of the Streambird platform that will communicate with the Streambird API services and compute the information given and \nreturn a precise device fingerprint to be used alongiside the authentication services.",
23 "vendored_frameworks": "StreambirdDeviceSenseFramework.xcframework",
25 "http": "https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/streambird-js/sdk/dist/frameworks/StreambirdDeviceSenseFramework-0.0.2.xcframework.zip"
27 "swift_version": "5.6"