4 "summary": "CGMath is a collection of extensions and functions mainly around CGGeometry types, like CGPoint, CGSize, CGRect and CGVector.",
5 "description": "CGMath is a collection of extensions and functions around CGGeometry types, like CGPoint, CGSize, CGRect and CGVector. It includes some other functions for FloatingPoint types, as well as Comparable.\n\nFor CGGeometry types it includes several convenience initializers as well as some useful variables, like variables to convert a size to a point, or to get the aspect ratio of a size.\n\nFor CGGeometry types and FloatingPoint types it includes the linear interpolation (lerp) function.\n\nFor FloatingPoint types it also has inverseLerp, clamp and remap.\n\nTo learn more about these functions, open the README.md file.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/EmilioPelaez/CGMath",
12 "EmilioPelaez": "i.am@emiliopelaez.me"
15 "git": "https://github.com/EmilioPelaez/CGMath.git",
18 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/EmilioPelaez",
22 "swift_versions": "5.1",
23 "source_files": "Sources/**/*.swift",
24 "frameworks": "CoreGraphics",
25 "swift_version": "5.1"