2 "name": "AppLovinMediationMintegralAdapter",
3 "authors": "AppLovin Corporation",
4 "version": "",
8 "summary": "Mintegral adapter used for mediation with the AppLovin MAX SDK",
9 "homepage": "https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/search?o=desc&q=AppLovinMediationMintegralAdapter&s=indexed",
11 "type": "Commercial License",
12 "text": "\nCopyright 2022 AppLovin Corp. All rights reserved.\n\nThe AppLovin MAX SDK is available under a commercial license (https://www.applovin.com/eula).\n\n"
15 "http": "https://artifacts.applovin.com/ios/com/applovin/mediation/mintegral-adapter/AppLovinMediationMintegralAdapter-",
18 "vendored_frameworks": "AppLovinMediationMintegralAdapter-",
23 "MintegralAdSDK/BidSplashAd": [
30 "swift_versions": "5.0",
31 "description": "AppLovin turns mobile into the medium of choice for advertisers.\n\nOUR MISSION\n\nEnable advertisers to make ROI-based marketing decisions and deliver relevant content on mobile.\n\nOur marketing platform reaches new users and matches them with relevant brands - ensuring you reach the users that are likely to engage.\n\nWe deliver relevant content to over a billion mobile consumers every month. With AppLovin, advertisers attain their mobile marketing goals.",
32 "swift_version": "5.0"