[Add] THEOplayer-Connector-Conviva 8.5.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / b / a / 1 / MDMCoreData / 1.5.1 / MDMCoreData.podspec.json
2   "name": "MDMCoreData",
3   "version": "1.5.1",
4   "summary": "A collection of lightweight Core Data classes for iOS and OS X.",
5   "description": "MDMCoreData is a growing collection of classes that make working with Core Data easier. It does not try to hide Core Data but instead enforces best practices and reduce boiler plate code. It is a much better alternative to using the Xcode Core Data Template. All classes are documented and a majority are unit tested.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/mmorey/MDMCoreData",
7   "license": "MIT",
8   "authors": {
9     "Matthew Morey": "me@matthewmorey.com",
10     "Terry Lewis II": "terry@ploverproductions.com",
11     "Matt Glover": "@mattglover"
12   },
13   "source": {
14     "git": "https://github.com/mmorey/MDMCoreData.git",
15     "tag": "1.5.1"
16   },
17   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/xzolian",
18   "requires_arc": true,
19   "source_files": "Classes/*.{h,m}",
20   "frameworks": "CoreData",
21   "platforms": {
22     "ios": "6.0",
23     "osx": "10.8"
24   },
25   "subspecs": [
26     {
27       "name": "MDMCoreDataCore",
28       "source_files": "Classes/MDMCoreDataCore/*.{h,m}",
29       "requires_arc": true
30     },
31     {
32       "name": "MDMPersistenceController",
33       "source_files": "Classes/MDMPersistenceController/MDMPersistenceController.{h,m}",
34       "dependencies": {
35         "MDMCoreData/MDMCoreDataCore": [
37         ]
38       },
39       "requires_arc": true
40     },
41     {
42       "name": "MDMFetchedResultsTableDataSource",
43       "platforms": {
44         "ios": "6.0"
45       },
46       "ios": {
47         "source_files": "Classes/MDMFetchedResultsTableDataSource/MDMFetchedResultsTableDataSource.{h,m}"
48       },
49       "osx": {
50         "source_files": ""
51       },
52       "dependencies": {
53         "MDMCoreData/MDMCoreDataCore": [
55         ]
56       },
57       "requires_arc": true
58     },
59     {
60       "name": "MDMFetchedResultsCollectionDataSource",
61       "platforms": {
62         "ios": "6.0"
63       },
64       "ios": {
65         "source_files": "Classes/MDMFetchedResultsCollectionDataSource/MDMFetchedResultsCollectionDataSource.{h,m}"
66       },
67       "osx": {
68         "source_files": ""
69       },
70       "dependencies": {
71         "MDMCoreData/MDMCoreDataCore": [
73         ]
74       },
75       "requires_arc": true
76     },
77     {
78       "name": "NSManagedObject+MDMCoreDataAdditions",
79       "source_files": "Classes/NSManagedObject+MDMCoreDataAdditions/NSManagedObject+MDMCoreDataAdditions.{h,m}",
80       "dependencies": {
81         "MDMCoreData/MDMCoreDataCore": [
83         ]
84       },
85       "requires_arc": true
86     }
87   ]