4 "summary": "A lightweight PDF and XPS viewer.",
5 "description": " MuPDF is a small, fast, and yet complete PDF viewer. \n It supports PDF 1.7 with transparency, encryption, \n hyperlinks, annotations, searching and more. It also\n reads XPS and OpenXPS documents.\n",
6 "homepage": "http://www.mupdf.com/",
8 "type": "Affero GNU GPL v3",
11 "authors": "Artifex Software Inc",
13 "git": "https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/mupdf.git",
19 "requires_arc": false,
21 "platform/ios/Classes/**/*.[mh]",
22 "platform/ios/common.[mh]"
26 "platform/android/res/drawable-ldpi/*.png"
28 "public_header_files": [
29 "platform/ios/Classes/**/*.h",
30 "platform/ios/common.h"
36 "prepare_command": " # I tried --depth 1 here but it failed with git error \"fatal: reference is not a tree:\"\n git submodule update --init\n cd platform/ios\n \n # build the various .a files\n # release armv7 + arm64\n xcodebuild -scheme MuPDF -configuration Release CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=\"\" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO\n # release i386 + x86_64\n xcodebuild -scheme MuPDF -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=\"\" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO\n \n # combine into fat libraries\n cd ../../build/\n for i in curl freetype jbig2dec jpeg mujs mupdf openjpeg z; do\n LIB=lib${i}.a\n lipo -create -output $LIB release-ios-i386-x86_64/$LIB release-ios-armv7-arm64/$LIB\n done\n",
37 "vendored_libraries": "build/*.a",
40 "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"$(PODS_ROOT)/Target Support Files/Pods\"",