2 "name": "SRProximityRecord",
4 "summary": "Record video or audio on iOS using the proximity sensor like Beme",
5 "description": "SRProximityRecord takes advantage of the proximity sensor on the iPhone to record video or audio.\n\nIt uses AVFoundation to record the video and is customizable via a series of properties. The SRProximityRecordDelegate will notifiy your class via a few methods when the proximity sensor is activated, when recording has started, and when it's stopped.",
6 "homepage": "http://stephenradford.me/replicating-bemes-record-with-the-proximity-sensor/",
12 "Stephen Radford": "steve228uk@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/steve228uk/SRProximityRecord.git",
21 "source_files": "*.swift",