2 "name": "RTCreditCardInput",
4 "summary": "A helper library to add card payment into your app",
5 "description": "It is a library to add card payment ability into your application. It is used for convenient handling card input form, format and validate it. \nYou can provide your own validation and error decoration logic.\nSee the embedded example in example folder.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/Rentateam/rtcreditcard",
12 "RentaTeam": "info@rentateam.ru"
15 "git": "https://github.com/Rentateam/rtcreditcard.git",
21 "swift_versions": "4.0",
22 "source_files": "RTCreditCardInput/Classes/**/*",
24 "CHRTextFieldFormatter": [
28 "swift_version": "4.0"