4 "summary": "Digital framework for the physical world.",
7 "text": " Scape Technologies © 2018 All rights reserved.\n"
10 "Bilal S": "bilal@scape.io"
12 "homepage": "https://scape.io/",
13 "description": "ScapeKit iOS SDK, for integrating ScapeKit into your iOS application. The SDK supports iOS 11.4 and later.",
29 "http": "https://artefacts.developer.scape.io/ios/1.0.5/ScapeKit.framework.zip"
34 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
35 "VALID_ARCHS": "arm64"
38 "OTHER_LDFLAGS[arch=arm64]": "$(inherited) -framework Foundation -framework UIKit -framework CoreMotion -framework CoreLocation -framework AVFoundation -framework SceneKit -framework ARKit -lz -lstdc++",
39 "VALID_ARCHS": "arm64",
42 "preserve_paths": "ScapeKit.framework",
43 "public_header_files": "ScapeKit.framework/Headers/*.h",
44 "source_files": "ScapeKit.framework/Headers/*.h",
45 "static_framework": true,
46 "vendored_frameworks": "ScapeKit.framework"