2 "name": "BackendlessSwift",
3 "module_name": "Backendless",
6 "git": "https://github.com/Backendless/Swift-SDK.git",
11 "text": "Copyright (c) 2013-2021 by Backendless Corp"
13 "homepage": "http://backendless.com",
15 "Mark Piller": "mark@backendless.com",
16 "Olha Danylova": "olga@themidnightcoders.com"
18 "summary": "Backendless is a Mobile Backend and API Services Platform",
19 "description": "Backendless is a development and a run-time platform. It helps software developers to create mobile and desktop applications while removing the need for server-side coding.",
20 "swift_versions": "5",
21 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
22 "SWIFT_VERSION": "5.0"
32 "Sources/SwiftSDK/**/*.swift",
33 "Sources/SwiftSDK/*.swift",
34 "Tests/SwiftSDKTests/TestObjects/*.swift"
37 "Socket.IO-Client-Swift": [