[Add] AlibabacloudBPStudio20210931 4.0.4
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 5 / e / b / WhirlyGlobe / 2.4 / WhirlyGlobe.podspec.json
2   "name": "WhirlyGlobe",
3   "version": "2.4",
4   "summary": "WhirlyGlobe-Maply: Geospatial visualization for iOS and Android.",
5   "description": "WhirlyGlobe-Maply is a high performance geospatial display toolkit for iOS and Android.\nThe iOS version supports big, complex apps like Dark Sky and National Geographic World Atlas,\namong others.  Even so, it's easy to get started on your own project.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/mousebird/WhirlyGlobe",
7   "screenshots": [
8     "http://mousebird.github.io/WhirlyGlobe/images/carousel/home/mapandglobe.jpg",
9     "http://mousebird.github.io/WhirlyGlobe/images/carousel/home/mtrainier.jpg"
10   ],
11   "license": "Apache 2.0",
12   "authors": {
13     "Steve Gifford": "contact@mousebirdconsulting.com"
14   },
15   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/@mousebirdc",
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "7.0"
18   },
19   "requires_arc": true,
20   "source": {
21     "git": "https://github.com/mousebird/WhirlyGlobe.git",
22     "tag": "v2.4"
23   },
24   "compiler_flags": [
25     "-D__USE_SDL_GLES__",
27   ],
28   "xcconfig": {
29     "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/boost\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/eigen\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/clipper\" \"$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2\""
30   },
31   "default_subspecs": "MaplyComponent",
32   "subspecs": [
33     {
34       "name": "glues-wg",
35       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/glues/**/*.{c,h}",
36       "preserve_paths": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/glues/**/*.i",
37       "private_header_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/glues/**/*.h",
38       "exclude_files": [
39         "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/glues/source/libnurbs/nurbtess/{glimports,mystdio,mystdlib}.h",
40         "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/glues/source/glu.h"
41       ]
42     },
43     {
44       "name": "shapefile",
45       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/shapefile/**/*.{c,h}",
46       "private_header_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/shapefile/**/*.h"
47     },
48     {
49       "name": "kissxml",
50       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/KissXML/**/*.{h,m}",
51       "private_header_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/KissXML/**/*.h",
52       "libraries": "xml2"
53     },
54     {
55       "name": "aaplus",
56       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/aaplus/**/*.{h,cpp}",
57       "private_header_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/aaplus/**/*.h"
58     },
59     {
60       "name": "octencoding",
61       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/octencoding/**/*.h",
62       "private_header_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/octencoding/**/*.h"
63     },
64     {
65       "name": "Lib-Headers",
66       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/WhirlyGlobeLib/include/*.h",
67       "public_header_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/WhirlyGlobeLib/include/*.h",
68       "private_header_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/WhirlyGlobeLib/include/*.h",
69       "dependencies": {
70         "boost/string_algorithms-includes": [
71           "<= 1.51.0"
72         ],
73         "boost/shared_ptr-includes": [
74           "<= 1.51.0"
75         ],
76         "boost/pointer_cast-includes": [
77           "<= 1.51.0"
78         ],
79         "boost/math-includes": [
80           "<= 1.51.0"
81         ],
82         "boost/graph-includes": [
83           "<= 1.51.0"
84         ],
85         "eigen": [
86           "~> 3.2.4"
87         ]
88       }
89     },
90     {
91       "name": "Lib",
92       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/WhirlyGlobeLib/src/*.{mm,m}",
93       "dependencies": {
94         "WhirlyGlobe/Lib-Headers": [
96         ],
97         "WhirlyGlobe/glues-wg": [
99         ],
100         "WhirlyGlobe/octencoding": [
102         ],
103         "proj4": [
104           "~> 4.8.0"
105         ],
106         "WhirlyGlobe/shapefile": [
108         ],
109         "clipper": [
110           "~> 6.1.3a"
111         ],
112         "libjson": [
113           "~> 7.6.0"
114         ],
115         "tinyxml": [
116           "~> 2.1.0"
117         ]
118       },
119       "libraries": [
120         "c++",
121         "sqlite3"
122       ],
123       "frameworks": [
124         "UIKit",
125         "OpenGLES"
126       ]
127     },
128     {
129       "name": "MaplyComponent-Headers",
130       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/WhirlyGlobe-MaplyComponent/include/**/*.h",
131       "public_header_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/WhirlyGlobe-MaplyComponent/include/*.h",
132       "private_header_files": [
133         "WhirlyGlobeSrc/WhirlyGlobe-MaplyComponent/include/{MaplyComponent,WhirlyGlobeComponent}.h",
134         "WhirlyGlobeSrc/local_libs/**"
135       ],
136       "dependencies": {
137         "WhirlyGlobe/Lib-Headers": [
139         ]
140       }
141     },
142     {
143       "name": "Headers",
144       "dependencies": {
145         "WhirlyGlobe/MaplyComponent-Headers": [
147         ]
148       }
149     },
150     {
151       "name": "MaplyComponent",
152       "source_files": "WhirlyGlobeSrc/WhirlyGlobe-MaplyComponent/src/*.{mm,m,cpp}",
153       "dependencies": {
154         "WhirlyGlobe/aaplus": [
156         ],
157         "WhirlyGlobe/Lib": [
159         ],
160         "WhirlyGlobe/MaplyComponent-Headers": [
162         ],
163         "AFNetworking": [
164           "~> 2.4.0"
165         ],
166         "WhirlyGlobe/kissxml": [
168         ],
169         "SMCalloutView": [
171         ],
172         "FMDB": [
174         ]
175       },
176       "libraries": [
177         "z",
178         "xml2"
179       ],
180       "frameworks": [
181         "CoreLocation",
182         "MobileCoreServices",
183         "SystemConfiguration",
184         "CFNetwork"
185       ]
186     }
187   ]