[Add] AlibabacloudBPStudio20210931 4.0.4
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 6 / f / d / AdinCube / 1.18.14 / AdinCube.podspec.json
2   "name": "AdinCube",
3   "version": "1.18.14",
4   "platforms": {
5     "ios": "7.0"
6   },
7   "summary": "Smarter ad mediation for mobile apps",
8   "description": "AdinCube is an ad mediation solution.\nThrough one simple integration, AdinCube gives you access to all major ad networks and ad exchanges on the market.\nIt optimizes your revenues between all actors, gathers your earnings and pays you immediately.",
9   "homepage": "http://www.adincube.com",
10   "documentation_url": "https://dashboard.adincube.com/dashboard/#/docs",
11   "authors": {
12     "AdinCube": "contact@adincube.com"
13   },
14   "license": {
15     "type": "COMMERCIAL",
16     "text": "  Copyright (c) AdinCube. All rights reserved.\n"
17   },
18   "source": {
19     "http": "https://www.adincube.com/gcs/resources/sdk/ObjectiveC/1.18.14/AdinCube-ObjectiveC-716ebe-1.18.14.zip"
20   },
21   "resources": [
22     "Resources/AppNext/*",
23     "Resources/MoPub/*",
24     "Resources/PubNative/*",
25     "Resources/StartApp/*",
26     "Resources/Tapjoy/*"
27   ],
28   "frameworks": [
29     "AdSupport",
30     "AudioToolbox",
31     "AVFoundation",
32     "CFNetwork",
33     "CoreFoundation",
34     "CoreGraphics",
35     "CoreImage",
36     "CoreLocation",
37     "CoreMedia",
38     "CoreMotion",
39     "CoreTelephony",
40     "ImageIO",
41     "JavaScriptCore",
42     "EventKit",
43     "EventKitUI",
44     "MediaPlayer",
45     "MessageUI",
46     "MobileCoreServices",
47     "QuartzCore",
48     "SafariServices",
49     "Security",
50     "Social",
51     "StoreKit",
52     "SystemConfiguration",
53     "UIKit",
54     "WebKit"
55   ],
56   "libraries": [
57     "c++",
58     "xml2",
59     "z"
60   ],
61   "vendored_frameworks": "AdinCube.framework",
62   "requires_arc": true