[Add] AlibabacloudBPStudio20210931 4.0.4
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 9 / 5 / 0 / IGHTMLQuery / 0.7.0 / IGHTMLQuery.podspec.json
2   "name": "IGHTMLQuery",
3   "version": "0.7.0",
4   "summary": "IGHTMLQuery is a lightweight XML/HTML parser for iOS, built on top of libxml.",
5   "description": "IGHTMLQuery is a lightweight XML/HTML parser for iOS, built on top of libxml.\n\n* XPath support for document searching.\n* jQuery style chainable syntax.\n* XML traversal and manipulation.\n",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/siuying/IGHTMLQuery",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE.txt"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "Francis Chong": "francis@ignition.hk"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/siuying/IGHTMLQuery.git",
16     "tag": "0.7.0"
17   },
18   "libraries": "xml2",
19   "requires_arc": true,
20   "xcconfig": {
21     "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2"
22   },
23   "default_subspecs": [
24     "Core"
25   ],
26   "platforms": {
27     "ios": "7.0",
28     "osx": "10.9"
29   },
30   "subspecs": [
31     {
32       "name": "Core",
33       "platforms": {
34         "ios": "6.0",
35         "osx": "10.8"
36       },
37       "source_files": "IGHTMLQuery/Classes/**/*.{h,m}",
38       "exclude_files": "IGHTMLQuery/Classes/JSContext+IGHTMLQueryRubyAdditions.{h,m}",
39       "dependencies": {
40         "CSSSelectorConverter": [
42         ]
43       }
44     },
45     {
46       "name": "JavaScript",
47       "platforms": {
48         "ios": "7.0",
49         "osx": "10.9"
50       },
51       "prefix_header_contents": "#define IGHTMLQUERY_JAVSCRIPT_EXPORT",
52       "frameworks": "JavaScriptCore",
53       "dependencies": {
54         "IGHTMLQuery/Core": [
56         ]
57       },
58       "source_files": "IGHTMLQuery/Classes/**/*.{h,m}",
59       "exclude_files": "IGHTMLQuery/Classes/JSContext+IGHTMLQueryRubyAdditions.{h,m}"
60     },
61     {
62       "name": "Ruby",
63       "platforms": {
64         "ios": "7.0",
65         "osx": "10.9"
66       },
67       "prefix_header_contents": "#define IGHTMLQUERY_JAVSCRIPT_EXPORT\n#define IGHTMLQUERY_RUBY_EXPORT",
68       "frameworks": "JavaScriptCore",
69       "source_files": "IGHTMLQuery/Classes/**/*.{h,m}",
70       "resources": [
71         "IGHTMLQuery/JavaScript/*.js",
72         "IGHTMLQuery/Ruby/*.rb"
73       ],
74       "dependencies": {
75         "IGHTMLQuery/JavaScript": [
77         ],
78         "JavaScriptCoreOpalAdditions": [
79           ">= 0.3.1"
80         ]
81       }
82     }
83   ]