[Add] AlibabacloudBPStudio20210931 4.0.4
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 9 / d / e / MintegralAdSDKAdapterForMopub / / MintegralAdSDKAdapterForMopub.podspec.json
2   "name": "MintegralAdSDKAdapterForMopub",
3   "version": "",
4   "summary": "Mintegral Network CustomEvent for Mopub Ad Mediation",
5   "homepage": "http://cdn-adn.rayjump.com/cdn-adn/v2/markdown_v2/index.html?file=sdk-m_sdk-ios&lang=en",
6   "description": "Mintegral's  AdSDK allows you to monetize your iOS and Android apps with Mintegral ads. And this CustomEvent  for use Mintegral via Mopub sdk",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": "Mintegral",
12   "social_media_url": "https://www.facebook.com/mintegral.official",
13   "platforms": {
14     "ios": "9.0"
15   },
16   "source": {
17     "git": "https://github.com/Mintegral-official/mintegral_mopub_adapter_ios.git",
18     "commit": "549c0949119da1fa3f01f695ab0cd4664480324f"
19   },
20   "requires_arc": true,
21   "static_framework": true,
22   "default_subspecs": "NativeAdAdapter",
23   "subspecs": [
24     {
25       "name": "NativeAdAdapter",
26       "dependencies": {
27         "mopub-ios-sdk/MoPubSDK": [
28           "> 5.0.0"
29         ],
30         "MintegralAdSDK/BidNativeAd": [
31           "5.8.4"
32         ]
33       },
34       "source_files": [
35         "MintegralAdapters/MTGCommon/*",
36         "MintegralAdapters/MTGNativeAdCustomEvent/*"
37       ]
38     },
39     {
40       "name": "InterstitialVideoAdAdapter",
41       "dependencies": {
42         "mopub-ios-sdk/MoPubSDK": [
43           "> 5.0.0"
44         ],
45         "MintegralAdSDK/BidInterstitialVideoAd": [
46           "5.8.4"
47         ]
48       },
49       "source_files": [
50         "MintegralAdapters/MTGCommon/*",
51         "MintegralAdapters/MTGInterstitialVideoAdCustomEvent/*"
52       ]
53     },
54     {
55       "name": "RewardVideoAdAdapter",
56       "dependencies": {
57         "mopub-ios-sdk/MoPubSDK": [
58           "> 5.0.0"
59         ],
60         "MintegralAdSDK/BidRewardVideoAd": [
61           "5.8.4"
62         ]
63       },
64       "source_files": [
65         "MintegralAdapters/MTGCommon/*",
66         "MintegralAdapters/MTGRewardVideoAdCustomEvent/*"
67       ]
68     },
69     {
70       "name": "BannerAdAdapter",
71       "dependencies": {
72         "mopub-ios-sdk/MoPubSDK": [
73           "> 5.0.0"
74         ],
75         "MintegralAdSDK/BidBannerAd": [
76           "5.8.4"
77         ]
78       },
79       "source_files": [
80         "MintegralAdapters/MTGCommon/*",
81         "MintegralAdapters/MTGBannerAdCustomEvent/*"
82       ]
83     }
84   ]