2 "name": "NEDirections",
4 "summary": "NEDirections SDK",
5 "description": "helps you to connect your iOS application to the [NE Directions](https://nav.darb.ae/docs/ios/api/navigation/) APIs. This helps you to find the route between any two locations with waypoints included if needed. It also provides clear routing instructions and other details required to reach your destination with any hassles.",
6 "homepage": "https://www.virtualmaze.com/",
12 "VirtualMaze": "info@virtualmaze.com"
18 "http": ""
21 "vendored_frameworks": [
22 "NEDirections.framework",
23 "NEPolyline.framework"
27 "module_name": "NEDirections",
28 "swift_versions": "4.0",
29 "swift_version": "4.0"