2 "name": "PRLALinkedAttributedLabel",
4 "summary": "A drop-in replacment for UILabel that supports attribution of the string and inter label linking",
5 "description": "A drop-in replacment for UILabel that supports attribution of the string and inter label linking. You can add regular strings to the label as well as any other custom object conforming to the PRLANamed/PRLAColored protocols. When displayed , anywhere in your app, a click on the name of an object will generate an event to your delegate with the supplied object that's name was clicked. Similar to web page linking but in your app :)",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/ParolaTeam/PRLALinkedAttributedLabel",
9 "Saggi": "saggi@paro.la"
12 "git": "https://github.com/ParolaTeam/PRLALinkedAttributedLabel.git",
19 "source_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*",
21 "PRLALinkedAttributedLabel": [
26 "TTTAttributedLabel": [