2 "name": "FlightRecorder",
4 "summary": "Record user sessions into videos by adding just a few lines of code!",
5 "description": "FlightRecorder is an iOS SDK that captures device screen with all user interactions, console output, location & other device informations and make them available to you on the web.",
6 "homepage": "http://www.flightrecorder.co",
9 "text": " All text and design is copyright © 2013-2014 FlightRecorder, Inc.\n"
12 "FlightRecorder": "support@flightrecorder.co"
15 "git": "https://github.com/FlightRecorderOfficial/Pods.git",
21 "requires_arc": false,
24 "**/VersionInfo.plist"
26 "source_files": "FlightRecorder.embeddedframework/FlightRecorder.framework/Versions/A/Headers/FlightRecorder.h",
28 "FlightRecorder.embeddedframework/FlightRecorder.framework",
29 "FlightRecorder.embeddedframework/Resources"
32 "FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"$(PODS_ROOT)/FlightRecorder/FlightRecorder.embeddedframework\""
43 "SystemConfiguration",